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OpenSSH logo
Generating a ED25519 SSH key with OpenSSH
OpenSSH has deprecated RSA keys. Time to swap to ED25519 with a few quick commands as well as an easy way to ease into the swap with host key configurations.
Isaac Bythewood Isaac Bythewood
May 07, 2022
EditorConfig website
Using EditorConfig to improve coding style consistency
EditorConfig has been around for almost a decade at this point. It is widely supported by many editors natively and many more with plugins.
Isaac Bythewood Isaac Bythewood
May 21, 2022
Django Dockerfile
Running a simple Django website in Docker
Using Docker to run a simple production and development environments with a few extras thrown in. Easily customized to your preferred language or framework.
Isaac Bythewood Isaac Bythewood
May 14, 2022
Scrapy logo
Finding broken external links on websites using Scrapy
Broken links are a problem for any content driven website as it ages, find them quickly and easily with Scrapy.
Isaac Bythewood Isaac Bythewood
July 23, 2022
CodeMirror website
Using CodeMirror to show formatted code in Wagtail
Going through all the steps to use CodeMirror with Wagtail to show formatted code on the frontend of your site.
Isaac Bythewood Isaac Bythewood
June 11, 2022
Black logo
Code formatting a Python project in 2022
For those who want a quick solution without reading all of PEP 8. The Black Python module has a fully automated solution for you.
Isaac Bythewood Isaac Bythewood
July 30, 2022
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